Can You Ride Roller Coasters 4 Weeks Pregnant
Is it ok to go on rollercoasters during early pregnancy?
I'm pretty positive I'm pregnant- LMP was May 19th, had unprotected sex May 27th and I'm already having symptoms: Cramps, white discharge, super sensitive sense of smell, headaches, super moody, and I just overall feel different. My husband and I have a trip to Disney World planned for the end of July, so I'd be about 9-10 weeks pregnant. Would I be ok to go on the rollercoasters or could it harm the baby?
Mom Answers (8)
Doctor told me it is fine if you are under 24 weeks. There has not been any scientific testing thay proves rides are harmful in early pregnancy. Anything you do they "say" is harmful. I asked the doctor about going to six flags beings fiance spent over 600 for our trip. Doctor said under 24 weeks is fine jusy avoid wooden Roller coasters.
a BabyCenter member
Doctor told me it is fine if you are under 24 weeks. There has not been any scientific testing thay proves rides are harmful in early pregnancy. Anything you do they "say" is harmful. I asked the doctor about going to six flags beings fiance spent over 600 for our trip. Doctor said under 24 weeks is fine jusy avoid wooden Roller coasters.
a BabyCenter member
Answered 7/14/16
I wouldn't. I will be 12 weeks when we go to Orlando and will not ride any rides when we go to Disney (next week). It's not worth the risk. Some rides put too much pressure on your stomach/ uterus area and I would not want that "guilt" held over my head IF something happened.
Doctor told me it is fine if you are under 24 weeks. There has not been any scientific testing thay proves rides are harmful in early pregnancy. Anything you do they "say" is harmful. I asked the doctor about going to six flags beings fiance spent over 600 for our trip. Doctor said under 24 weeks is fine jusy avoid wooden Roller coasters.
a BabyCenter member
Answered 7/14/16
Recent questions in Newly Pregnant
I wouldn't the rides all have warning signs about not riding with certain things, one is being pregnant. Why chance it?
My friends are going to go out for a roller coaster ride in the next few weeks and I'd rather not risk it. You can always ride after your pregnancy. Just to be safe. :)
Popular questions in Newly Pregnant
Honestly, if you read the signs at each ride, they will tell you whether or not they ride is safe for pregnancy. Most coasters will not be because of the harnesses and jarring effects.
I was about 2 and a half months pregnant when I rode a few crazy rollercoaster rides. I didn't know I was pregnant at the time! I was fine afterwards but felt dizzy and nauseated. And I'm high risk due to blood clotting disorder... can you imagine. I'm 27 weeks now. I'm ok and the baby is strong and healthy. Everybody is different though. You should ask your doctor just to be safe.
a BabyCenter member
Answered 4/30/18
Can You Ride Roller Coasters 4 Weeks Pregnant
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