Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guided Reading Rome Builds an Empire

This is the same video worksheet that you have in your Course Packet. Try to answer the questions yourself before looking at the answer. You should be able to answer most of these based on your lecture notes and readings. To see the answer, click on the pop-up menu.

Time Life's "Lost Civilizations": "Rome: The Ultimate Empire"

1. Roman armies conquered an empire from Afghanistan to __________, from North Africa to Germany.

A) China.
B) Britain.
C) India.
D) America.

2. Peoples conquered by the Romans had a choice between peaceful occupation or __________.

A) Bloody resistance.
B) High taxes.
C) Mandatory Latin classes.
D) Neutrality.

3. The __________'s opening ceremonies lasted one hundred days.

A) Pantheon.
B) Qualcom Stadium.
C) Senate.
D) Colosseum.

4. How many people usually watched a spectacle in the Colosseum?

A) 50.
B) 50,000
C) 3,000.
D) 8,000.

5. At the Colosseum, the highlight of the day's shows were the __________.

A) Women's wrestling matches.
B) Fireworks shows.
C) Gladiator fights.
D) Free peanuts.

6. In the Colosseum, thumbs up meant __________.

A) Life.
B) Death.
C) Let the games begin.
D) More beer.

7. The legendary twins who founded Rome, Romulus and Remus, were nurtured by a __________.

A) She-wolf.
B) She-pig.
C) She-male.
D) Sheeba, Queen of the Jungle.

8. Of all Rome's monumental structures, only the __________ survives intact.

A) Colosseum.
B) Parthenon.
C) Forum of Augustus.
D) Pantheon.

9. Which Roman structure has the largest curved ceiling of the ancient world?

A) St. Peter's.
B) Pantheon.
C) Astrodome.
D) Arch of Constantine.

10. The Pantheon was created by __________.

A) The emperor Hadrian.
B) Julius Caesar.
C) Ictinus and Callicrates.
D) Polyclitus.

11. In 45 B.C., who declared himself dictator, the first of the Roman empire?

A) Elvis.
B) Nero.
C) Constantine.
D) Caesar.

12. Who was Caesar's adopted son and successor?

A) Constantine
B) Augustus.
C) Mark Antony.
D) Greg Brady.

13. Roman __________ built paved highways and roads throughout the Roman empire.

A) Prisoners.
B) Children.
C) Legions.
D) Caltrans.

14. What allowed the Roman army to react quickly to enemy attacks?

A) A network of roads.
B) Scouts in hot air balloons.
C) A primitive telegraph system.
D) Three-wheeled chariots.

15. Roman __________ were situated along trade routes to protect caravans and their goods from bandits.

A) Amphitheaters.
B) Forts.
C) Aqueducts.
D) Temples.

16. The backbone of Rome's rule was her __________.

A) Art.
B) Bloody gladiatorial games.
C) Senate.
D) Military.

17. The greatest military barrier of the Western world is __________.

A) The Great Barrier Reef.
B) The Great Wall of China.
C) Hadrian's wall.
D) Hoover Dam.

18. At Roman forts, you would have found soldiers, as well as their __________.

A) Parents.
B) Personal trainers.
C) Greek slaves.
D) Wives and children.

19. On August 24, 79 A.D., the volcano Vesuvius erupted and covered __________.

A) Rome.
B) Crete.
C) Pompeii.
D) Egypt.

20. Frescoes, statues, and lots of __________ were preserved in the ancient city of Pompeii.

A) Gold ingots.
B) Graffiti.
C) Paper money.
D) Clothing.

21. The two most common jobs for women in ancient Rome were working in the cloth trade or the __________ trade.

A) Prostitution.
B) Cosmetic.
C) Medical.
D) Daycare.

22. By the end of the third century A.D., the Persians were pushing at the eastern frontiers of the Roman empire, and the __________ tribes in the north were moving toward Rome.

A) Arctic.
B) Native American.
C) Chinese.
D) German.

23. The Peace of Augustus lasted for __________ years.

A) 6.
B) 25.
C) 200.
D) 2,000.

24. Roman words, laws, and __________ still shape the world today.

A) Architecture.
B) Foods.
C) Clothing styles.
D) Transportation methods.
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Chapter 5 Lesson 4 Guided Reading Rome Builds an Empire


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