How to Make Origami Money Animals
Learn to fold a money origami cat from a dollar bill with this 12 step folding guide. This fold is not super difficult but will take a decent amount of time and effort. If you want to practice without wasting all your fresh and crisp dollar bills, consider picking up some fake money. Here is our favorite fake folding money for origami on Amazon. Let's get folding! You may also like these other animal money origami guides: Let's start on the front of a straight one-dollar bill. Make sure to crease the edges and then unfold the bill again. Crease the edges and unfold the bill again. Crease the edges and unfold the bill once more. This is kind of a half squash folding it into a triangle while sticking the edge straight up. Complete the squash fold into a triangle and crease the edges. You can use a pen or a pencil to make sure it folds evenly inside. Pull up gently from the bottom of the triangle, and as it folds over to the other side, you can fold the edges inward as shown. With the triangle part at the top, fold in half from left to right lengthwise. Fold the top left part of the triangle down towards the bottom tip. Fold that tip back partially up to make the ear. You will then fold it lengthwise back over to repeat the process to make the other ear. To help make them even, you can adjust them by looking at both ears from the other side. You can use the red lines provided as a guide as to where to fold or just eyeball it. Again, you can look at the front while your folding and get both folds as even as possible. Crease all the edges hard when you get them where you want them. Fold the top tip between the ears down and crease it the best you can. Then fold the bill in half from the very bottom to the top of the head. Fold both edges one at a time to meet the bottom and crease them well. Fold the bottom flap lengthwise by pinching it like shown. Then make small triangle folds on both bottom corners to shape it. Fold the tail in half lengthwise again and crease it as well as you can. You can shape the tail by twisting it one way then the tip part of it the other way. The tail can be a little tricky, so just take your time and fold it till it looks good to you. You can also shape the face, as shown by folding the tips underneath. Now you know how to make a money origami cat! Happy Folding! You may also like this other money origami animal guide:
STEP 1: Fold the bill in half lengthwise
STEP 2: On the left side, fold both corners to the half
STEP 3: Fold both top and bottom lengthwise to the middle
STEP 4: Pinch the sides of the bill and fold the edge up
STEP 5: Squash fold the left edge down into a triangle
STEP 6: Pull up on the triangle and fold it to the other side
STEP 7: Fold both of the cat ears
STEP 8: Shape the neck and body of the cat
STEP 9: Fold the top tip down, then fold from bottom to top
STEP 10: Fold the left and right edges to the meet bottom
STEP 11: Pinch the flap in half and shape the bottom corners
STEP 12: Fold the tail and finish shaping
How to Make Origami Money Animals
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